Tag: forest

  • Moments in Time

    It is true, it feels like time is running fast – and continuously accelerating. Until everything becomes a blur in the past, and we never again get to glance in that window. I keep trying to immortalize past moments by the click of a shutter, and my experiences – my state of mind – by…

  • Balance

    As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and caused everything to grow there in perfect balance (Quran 15:19) — English by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

  • When You Were Loved


    When every dream has turned to dust, and your highest hopes no longer soar. When places you once yearned to see, grow further away on distant shores. When every night you close your eyes, and long inside for something more. Remember this and only this, if nothing else you can recall— There was a life…

  • Sad Things


    Why do you write sad things? he asked. When I am here, when I love you. Because someday, in one way or another, you will be taken from me or I you. It is inevitable. But please understand; from the moment I met you, I stopped writing for the past. I no longer write for the present.…

  • Passing Time


    I feel the end is drawing near, would time be so kind to slow? You are everything to me, my dear, you are all I really know. But as I sit and wait and fear and watch the hours go— Everything that happened here happened long ago. – Lullabies, by Lang Leav

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