Category: Mindscapes

  • The Tango

    There’s something wonderfully fascinating about trees that draws me in. And keeps me there.Something mysterious, yet oddly familiar. Their immobility, but through the will of nature’s elements.Their submissiveness and flexibility, yet strong rooted resolve. Their self-sacrificing nature, always sheltering, shading, protecting. Their power of renewal, through a never-ending cycle of the seasons. Their beauty, as…

  • Sunday Blues – Darker


    Last Sunday we set the clock back one hour. The end of daylight savings time is a sure sign of the arrival of autumn. Even though there is still the occasional day where the sun feels warm on my skin, the chill has definitely arrived. The days are getting cold. The nights colder. But it…

    Sunday Blues - Darker
  • My Heart Sinks (Whenever I Remember my Beloved)


    My heart sinks whenever I remember my belovedMy dearest lives far away, would someone bring him back? My heart sinks whenever I remember my beloved My heart’s desire is not with me, with whom shall I talk? To me, nobody is like him, to whom shall I open my heart? I keep begging but I…

  • Ved Rondane


    No seer eg atter slike Fjøll og Dalar,som deim eg i min fyrste Ungdom saag,og sama Vind den heite Panna ‘svalar;og Gullet ligg paa Snjo, som fyrr det laag.Det er eit Barnemaal, som til meg talar,og gjer’ meg tankefull, men endaa fjaagMed Ungdomsminni er den Tala blandad:Det strøymer paa meg, so eg knapt kan anda.…

  • The Increasing Entropy

    I was the tree. Alone but strong, I thought I would always be. But none may defy nature’s law of ageing and decay, through the dance of time passing by. The universe’s way of communication. The constant increase of entropy, towards the inevitable end-station. All those promises, all those dreams. Made only to be broken,…

  • Bulleh Shah’s Reflections


    You read and read and master knowledge. But you never read your inner self. You run to enter temple and mosque. But you never entered your heart. Every day you fight the devil. But you never fought your own desire. Bulleh Shah, don’t reach to grab what’s in the sky. When you havn’t even managed…

  • When You Were Loved


    When every dream has turned to dust, and your highest hopes no longer soar. When places you once yearned to see, grow further away on distant shores. When every night you close your eyes, and long inside for something more. Remember this and only this, if nothing else you can recall— There was a life…

  • I am Alone


    There was a world far away, in which you and I lived. Walking on the paths of our dreams, I said to you, I admit, I am in love. If this is not love, what is it? I am alone, I am alone, I am alone. Without you, I am alone Your innocence, your laughter.…

  • Sunday Blues

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    The last time I visited this place, was fourteen years ago, almost to the date. Standing here by the edge of the river again, nothing seems to have changed. The trees, the rocks, the water, even the shrubs, they all look the same. The sound of running water and the wind rustling the leaves. The…

  • Sad Things


    Why do you write sad things? he asked. When I am here, when I love you. Because someday, in one way or another, you will be taken from me or I you. It is inevitable. But please understand; from the moment I met you, I stopped writing for the past. I no longer write for the present.…

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